Instructions for the Peel & Stick CAMBUSH

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Items Needed: Trail camera, sharp scissors, CAMBUSH.

1. Measure and Cut

Starting at bottom of front of camera, measure and cut a row of CAMBUSH.

Measure and cut a row of CAMBUSH

2. Apply

Peel liner off adhesive and firmly press row to camera. Clean the camera surface before application. Apply at room temperature (65-75 degrees F).

Peel liner off adhesive and firmly press to camera.

3. Repeat for additional rows.

Repeat, placing additional rows approximately 1 1/2" apart. Avoid covering lens, motion sensor and flash. 

Repeat, placing additional rows approximately 1 1/2" apart.


Wrap CAMBUSH around flash so strings are pointed outward rather than down (similar to how a hood covers a head).

Wrap CAMBUSH around flash so strings are pointed outward rather than down.

5. Trim extra strings

Remove basting thread along bottom of CAMBUSH. "Comb" out curls and trim strings that interfere with functions of camera.

Remove basting thread along bottom of CAMBUSH.

6. Mount camera with added concealment

Rub hand over CAMBUSH to distribute strings randomly. After mounting, nestle camera with leaves and branches for added concealment.

After mounting, nestle camera with leaves and branches for added concealment.